Monday, April 29, 2013

Absent but not Gone.

It's funny because when I started to type the title of this post, I was thinking about running.  About how I've been absent from this blog, but that I haven't been gone from running.  In other words, I'm still running.  The funny thing is as I was typing the title, I realized that it meant more than just that.

Those of you who know me, know that I really don't like airing my personal business, so I feel conflicted even as I write now.  Then again, those of you who know me, will know what I mean, so I'll stop myself from blabbering further.  C,WMYD.  TANWTEHWF.

Onto running...

I had a short lapse - nothing major.  I missed a day or two here and there, but nothing too serious.  One week saw me only go out for 4 or so miles, but all of the other weeks between this post and my last had me logging anywhere between 25 and 30 miles.  I haven't been running hard though - just easy paced stuff.  I added some speedwork this week, and I felt it on my long run today.  My calves were so tired and sore, I just didn't feel like running - so I dogged the pace for 9...  On a bright note, I fixed the rattling noise on the front wheel of the double stroller - so the run was at least much more pleasant from a noise standpoint.

I did add 6 400x200 intervals on Thursday of this week, followed by a semi-5k effort in an event on Saturday - so perhaps that's why I wasn't feeling it today (Sunday).  I wouldn't have done the intervals if I knew that I was going to run the 5K on Saturday.  Anywho - the race I did was the Glory in Our Hearts 5K Walk/Run to Remember.  I didn't know Glory, and I refrained from asking anyone about her demise at the event - I didn't want to upset anyone.  It was a good event.  A positive vibe, her family and friends were great and put on a nice event.  I'm not crazy about the course (it's the same basic start/finish that the Massena 1/2 has), but maybe this is because I've only run it with the double stroller.  It's a counter intuitive course for any stroller.  It forces you to go too fast too soon (downhill start), and saddles you with having to go uphill for the last quarter mile.  I know some people have never run with a jogging stroller, and I know that some people have only done so sparringly.  Please let me just tell you that it's not too bad when your kids are small, but now that my kids are roughly 80 lbs combined (plus whatever the stroller weighs), you definitely feel the uphills.  I never did when it was just my daughter.  Even when I had our son, and they were both smaller - no big deal.  That's not the case anymore.  Uphill sucks!

I started doing some math, and I'd love for those of you with strollers to test the theory, but I think that you lose roughly a 1/2 second per mile for every pound that you push.  I base this on an estimate that the combined weight of my kids and the stroller last summer was about 90 lbs., and I seemed to lose about 45 seconds per mile at a 5K effort.  Please test and let me know your results.

Anyway - long time no post.  One of these days I'll post the rest of my story, plus I'll try to update race results for all.  I've been thinking about starting to post notices about upcoming races too - just because appears to be abandoned.  Let me know if you think that any of these ideas are worthwhile.

Oh shoot - before I forget - the Glory in our Hearts Run - I'll try to post a dedicated recap at some point soon.  I'm starting to think about fall marathons - anyone ever done the Wineglass?  It's on my radar, but I'd love other suggestions.

I have a lot that I want to catch up on, but in the meantime, let's all be BOSTON STRONG.