Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Colton Winterfest 10 Miler

I ran 10 and a half on Saturday.  It was a nice run.  I decided to push the last half mile (I don't know why), but other than that - it was a very leisurely jaunt.  I ran 6 tonight - again, easy...

I'm thinking about doing the Colton Winterfest 10 Miler, but I'm not sure if I'm really going to do do it.  It's a decent drive, plus it's early in the morning, plus the weather is supposed to be COLD.  Single digits cold...  I keep having these images in my head of trying to gulp water at the water stations and splashing it down the front of me - only to have it freeze as it reaches my midsection.  BRRRRRR!!!!  I suppose that I could skip the water stations - I've definitely run longer without hydration - but I've never done that with a modest effort, only on LSDs.  The last, and perhaps most compelling, reason I might talk myself out of this one is because I'm not sure what to do with the kids.  Any takers?

That brings me to my next conundrum.  If I were to run this race, I have absolutely no idea of how to pace for a 10 mile race.  Both times I've run a similar distance I've taken it really easy for the majority of the race, only to discover that I had way too much in the tank at the end.  I've heard that this is a brutal and hilly race.  I tried to find some reviews on the Internet, but with no luck - anyone run this one before and care to share your experience with me, in particular good strategies?

My calves are sore.  Bad calves!  How dare you be sore today!

Disclosure:  The results of the Frozen Foote are now available, despite my prior complaints.

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